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 APD, SPD and Retained Primitive Reflexes


Close links have been identified between the inhibition of primary reflexes and the attainment of gross-motor milestones. Reflexes are often used as landmarks and measurements of CNS (Central nervous system) maturity. Our developmental reflexes, present from birth to early childhood, ensure our survival and trigger our nervous system and brain to mature further as we grow. These developments include gaining skills such as reading, writing and numeracy.


It is not uncommon that people with Auditory processing difficulty also have other difficulties, such as dyslexia, may have developmental reflexes which have not been fully integrated. This means that the nervous system has not been able to acquire the skill sets associated with the reflex.


They play a vital role in survival for crucial periods but should then undergo inhibition or transformation. If this doesn’t happen, Neuro-Developmental Delay, (the continued presence of a cluster of Primitive Reflexes above the age of 6 months (12 months at the latest), in combination with absent or under-developed Postural Reflexes above three and a half years of age) will often result.


Some signs of neuro-developmental delay are:


  • Poor concentration

  • Emotional presentation

  • Poor impulse control

  • Weak balance and motor skills

  • Weak posture, sitting position

  • Weak academic performance, organisation of work, copying from board

  • These things will have a major impact on academic learning.


Does this program help address primitive reflexes? 
The Developmental Reflex programme has included the inhibition of persistent primary reflexes as a core element in its program, addressing the underlying functional deficits that children with various difficulties have shown. The 10 simple movement sequences cover all the essentials that every child needs, and in the right order. 

Done with the Auditory Programme shows marked improvements in neural integration.

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